@mastersthesis{De Monte2014, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {De Monte, Lorenza}, title = {Wie Brand Personality das Konsumentenverhalten durch Fernsehwerbung beeinflusst : eine Veranschaulichung am Beispiel von Southern Comfort}, institution = {06 Medien}, school = {Hochschule Mittweida}, year = {2014}, abstract = {This work concentrates on the frequently used marketing instrument brand personality. Its effect on the consumer and how it drives consumer behaviour through TV advertis-ing are the focus. Scientific material, utilising research results of the last 20 years, has been analysed to investigate this subject. Furthermore, the example of Southern Comfort provides an insight of brand personality being applied to the real world of marketing business.}, subject = {Werbesendung}, language = {en} }