@mastersthesis{Pratzka2014, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Pratzka, Victoria}, title = {In silico Analysis of Genes Involved in the Initiation of Barley Pollen Embryogenesis}, institution = {03 Mathematik / Naturwissenschaften / Informatik}, school = {Hochschule Mittweida}, year = {2014}, abstract = {The main purpose of this Bachelor thesis was to find and to compile comprehensive information on barley genes expressed in the context of pollen embryogen esis. In the present study, this approach was confined to genes that were previously known to be associated with the initiation of embryogenesis in different plant species. First, candidate transcript sequences were identified in barley. Second, transcript and associated genomic sequences were analyzed in silico to provide suitable structural and functional annotations. Finally, the results of one representative example are presented and interpreted in detail. This work aims to contribute to a significantly improved understanding of pollen embryogenesis - a biological phenomenon broadly used for haploid technology in crop improvement.}, subject = {In silico-Methode}, language = {en} }