@phdthesis{Nachtigall, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Sandra Nachtigall}, title = {Die mediale Darstellung der veganen Lebensweise : ein kurzfristiger Trend, oder ein nachhaltiger, gesellschaftlicher Wertewandel?}, abstract = {The Topic and aim of this research is to find out the impressions that the media hold about veganism, in which context this term is used as a medial and whether the vegan lifestyle is future-oriented. After discussing vegetarianism and veganism, this research investigates how often the term veganism and vegetarianism has been used in print media during the years 2000 to 2015. In Following, three political magazines are contend analysed and evaluated. The techniques of „Mayring“ and „J{\"a}ger“ were used for the basis of the qualitative content analysis. The research paper concludes that the reader will not notice the main definition of veganism in the researched media and that the term is used entirely independent of food scandals, mostly in a negative context. Nevertheless, the emergence of the thread increases in the media. In recent years, the coverage has more than quadrupled. Although the medial pay should be reduced in the coming years, the number of vegetarian will rise und create a high purchasing power.}, language = {de} }