@mastersthesis{Funk2021, type = {Bachelor Thesis}, author = {Funk, Edgar}, title = {Digitalisierung im Automobilhandel : eine Analyse von Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung im Automobilhandel aus Unternehmenssicht}, institution = {06 Medien}, year = {2021}, abstract = {Current events and mega-trends, such as globalization, climate change or digitization, are part of maybe the biggest change in the history of automotive industry. Above all, the digitization has major impacts on modern commerce with cars. As part of this study re-search, the primary purpose is the analysis of impacts of the digitization on the familiar automotive distribution and trade. The objective is to investigate, which consequences and developments the technological advancement has on the trade and distribution with vehicles. Furthermore, an explanation on the possible prospective outcome of current progression will describe the future of automotive trade and distribution from a corporate point of view of an automotive manufacturer and dealer. By that, following research ques-tion results: ➢ "What kind of impacts does the digitization carry on the automotive distribution and how will this take place in the future?"}, subject = {Kraftfahrzeughandel}, language = {de} }