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Vergleich aktueller Gerätetechnik zur Erstellung von Hochgeschwindigkeitsaufnahmen

Comparison of current device technology for the creation of high speed imaging

  • The goal of this bachelor thesis was to compare current high speed cameras in regard to their differing application fields in the context of a research of press and manufactur-ers statements and its own empirical analysis. The evaluation was performed with de-fined indicators and by that allowed for a standardized comparison of all considered high speed imaging systems in a matrix form. For this purpose, after a brief look on the definition and history of high speed cameras, an array of criteria mostly relevant for such systems was defined. The criteria received clear indicators that told if a certain value implied or excluded a certain application field. By that it was possible to create a great data sheet for the ten chosen systems and conclusively craft individual camera matrices, which gave a visual overview of the proportions of the application fields for those systems. After that the cameras were compared by application field to gather further insight. The conclusions were discussed and the used method was found to be rather correctly able to identify the application fields by analyzing the technical aspects. The cameras could correctly be sorted into their application fields and thus be com-pared in their very own specializations. It was also discussed that none of the diversely chosen cameras was found to be equipped with another sensor technology than CMOS and what the implications of that would be. At last the thesis was entirely sum-marized and additionally, an outlook on future developments in the field of high speed technology was given, involving guesses about the impacts on their application fields, such as them being most likely about to merge more and more, as restrictions and compromises will vanish with time due to overall technological progress.

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Author:Niklas Hemker
Advisor:Mike Winkler, Tim Bastian Frank
Document Type:Bachelor Thesis
Year of Completion:2015
Granting Institution:Hochschule Mittweida
Release Date:2023/01/18
GND Keyword:Hochgeschwindigkeitsfotografie
Institutes:06 Medien
Open Access:Innerhalb der Hochschule
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt