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How Covid-19 impacts the workplace of knowledge workers in a pandemic and post pandemic world

  • The following master thesis covers the topic workplace. The focus lies on the corona pandemic and how the pandemic has affected and will continue to affect the workplaces of knowledge workers. Therefore, the workplace as a research area has been described holistically, followed by the presentation of gathered secondary data and the conducted in depth interviews by the author. The presented secondary data and primary data are agreeing in the workplace how people know it will be changed after the pandemic. The most likely outcome is the hybrid workplace concept which mixes the home office, the office and alternatively third places. For these changes the companies have to be equipped and prepared. The meaning of the office will increase and has to be redesigned in order to meet the needs of the knowledge workers which are coming back to the office eventually.

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Author:Robert Schulz
Advisor:Serge Velesco, Eduard G. Churlei
Document Type:Master's Thesis
Year of Completion:2021
Granting Institution:Hochschule Mittweida
Release Date:2023/06/08
GND Keyword:COVID-19; Pandemie; Auswirkung; Arbeitsplatz
DDC classes:331.256 Arbeitsplatz
Open Access:Frei zugänglich
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt