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Formation of an environmentally oriented consulting company "Sun's generation"

  • This scientific work reveals the potential for the development of the renewable energy market, due to many reasons. The reasons are the unstable political situation in the world, rising energy prices, environmental degradation and the growing demand of Ger man residents for government measures to reduce the negative impact on the environment. This work is related to business planning and development using strategies based on the above reasons. The purpose of the study is to develop methods for successfully regulating the market for renewable resources to solve the problem of environmental pollution through the promotion of environmentally friendly products. The work explores the driving forces and problems hindering the development of the market for renewable resources. The problems raised concerned all interested parties, from consumers and producers to the state body for regulating and stimulating the industry . An analysis was also made of the methods of environmentally oriented companies and the tools they use to strengthen their positions in the market. Based on the data obtained from the conducted research, a concept and business strategy for a new environmentally oriented generation” was created. The business consulting company “Sun’s idea of the new company is to involve all parties using marketing tools, creating a healthy competitive environment among commercial companies and benefiting not only the companies themselves but also the end user of the products and the German government.

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Author:Viktoriya Karmanova
Advisor:Serge Velesco, Alina Romanova
Document Type:Master's Thesis
Year of Completion:2022
Granting Institution:Hochschule Mittweida
Release Date:2023/09/13
GND Keyword:Strategisches Management; Erneuerbare Energien
Page Number:85
Institutes:04 Wirtschaftswissenschaften
DDC classes:658.4012 strategisches Management, integriertes Management, wertorientiertes Management, Geschäftsplan, strategische Planung, Unternehmenspolitik
Open Access:Frei zugänglich
Licence (German):License LogoUrheberrechtlich geschützt