Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Optimal Network Path Selection and Deployment of Emulated Branched Test Environments
- This article shows the possibilities of using the Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to find the shortest path in the communication networks. The Mininet emulator is studied as a platform for testing the algorithm. The issue of loops in branched Mininet networks due to limitations in the design of the network emulator and possible risks in their occurrence is considered. A solution to this limitation using an external controller is also proposed.
Author: | Oleksandra Yaroshevska, Veronika Kirova, Eduard Siemens |
URN: | urn:nbn:de:bsz:mit1-opus4-154157 |
DOI: | |
ISSN: | 1437-7624 |
Parent Title (German): | 24. Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innenkonferenz |
Subtitle (German): | Wissenschaftliche Berichte | Scientific reports |
Publisher: | Hochschule Mittweida |
Place of publication: | Mittweida |
Document Type: | Conference Proceeding |
Language: | English |
Year of Completion: | 2024 |
Publishing Institution: | Hochschule Mittweida |
Contributing Corporation: | Hochschule Anhalt |
Release Date: | 2024/07/10 |
Tag: | ALM; Floodlight; Mininet; Network shortest path |
GND Keyword: | Ameisenalgorithmus; Python <Programmiersprache>; Software-defined networking; Routing |
Issue: | 3 |
Page Number: | 6 |
First Page: | 279 |
Last Page: | 284 |
Open Access: | Frei zugänglich |
Licence (German): | Urheberrechtlich geschützt |