Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit einem relativ jungen Begriff – dem Neuromarketing. Ziel ist es, einen umfangreichen Überblick über das neue Marketinginstrument zu geben. Am Beginn dieser Arbeit werden grundlegende Begriffe erklärt. Das Gehirn wird auch behandelt, da es für den Bereich Neuromarketing wesentlich ist, einige Fakten darüber zu wissen. Außerdem setzt sich diese Arbeit auch mit den Unterschieden betreffend dem Kaufverhalten zwischen Frauen und Männern auseinander.
The employees satisfaction and motivation – two terms which are closely associated regarding the long-term success of companies. That is what many books are written about and a lot of theories have been developed. The today’s possibilities to analyze the humans’ brain are highly developed. Nowadays it is possible to identify and find out the neurobiological processes of humans, especially employees motivation and the effects of incentives with better equipment and methods. It has been exposed that incentives, if they start working, stimulate the brains’ limbic system and affect the decision-making. The decision depends on whether a job or an activity promises a sufficient reward.
Every made decision is also very often influenced by the emotional systems and the special and individual memories of the person. In the meantime it is possible to show the neuronal reaction to a specific brand by neuroscientific studies. So a good impression and a good employer branding of a company could be the critical point weather an ideal job candidate will sign a working contract or not.
Every human behavior is a result of a type of motivation. There are both – intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. They interact with each other, but the extrinsic motivation has been much more researched in the last years, although the intrinsic motivation is also very important and effective regarding the sustainable employees motivation. Therefore the importance and understanding of the needs of employees and how incentives could be used are growing. The neuroscience will make a lot of research in the next decades, because the closer examination has just started and there is a huge demand to find out more about brain processes.