006.2483995 Gesichtserkennung
Document Type
- Bachelor Thesis (1)
- Master's Thesis (1)
- Gesichtserkennung (2)
- Biometrie (1)
- Dreidimensionale Rekonstruktion (1)
- Gesicht (1)
Analysis of the Forensic Preparation of Biometric Facial Features for Digital User Authentication
Biometrics has become a popular method of securing access to data as it eliminates the need for users to remember a password. Although exploiting the vulnerabilities of biometric systems increased with their usage, these could also be helpful during criminal casework.
This thesis aims to evaluate approaches to bypass electronic devices with forged faces to access data for law enforcement. Here, obtaining the necessary data in a timely manner is critical. However, unlocking the devices with a password can take several years with a brute force attack. Consequently, biometrics could be a quicker alternative for unlocking.
Various approaches were examined to bypass current face recognition technologies. The first approaches included printing the user's face on regular paper and aimed to unlock devices performing face recognition in the visible spectrum. Further approaches consisted of printing the user's infrared image and creating three-dimensional masks to bypass devices performing face recognition in the near-infrared. Additionally, the underlying software responsible for face recognition was reverse-engineered to get information about its operation mode.
The experiments demonstrate that forged faces can partly bypass face recognition and obtain secured data. Devices performing face recognition in the visible spectrum can be unlocked with a printed image of the user's face. Regarding devices with advanced near-infrared face recognition, only one could be bypassed with a three-dimensional face mask. In addition, its underlying software provided evidence about the demands of face recognition. Other devices under attack remained locked, and their software provided no clues.